Subway Safety Map

Subway Safety Map and Infographic with Safe and Risky Areas in a Subway Station

*The information provided on this website and in this article do not, and is not intended to, constitute medical or legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

Subway Safety Map

1. Subway Entrances

Safety Tip: Enter the station at central and commonly used entrances.

Risk: Avoid dimly lit and remote entrances to the train station especially at night.

2. Booth and Turnstile

Safety Tip: Swipe in with your card or tap your mobile device on turnstiles at booths that have attendants so they can assist you if necessary and act as a deterrence to criminals.

Risk: Digging in your bag and wallet will make you appear distracted and vulnerable to opportunistic criminals.

3. Transitory Areas

Safety Tip: Use situational awareness and be mindful of people and objects in your environment and your surroundings.

Risk: Steer clear of desolate tunnels, stairways, elevators, and other transitory areas that isolate you.

4. Station Platform

Safety Tip: Always stand in the middle of the platform with your body perpendicular to the platform so no one can come up from behind you.

Risk: Never stand beyond the yellow line with your back facing the platform.

5. Subway Car

Safety Tip: Choose subway cars that have many people and the conductor which are normally the middle, first or last cars.

Risk: Avoid empty cars and try not to sit or stand near the door as criminals use these areas to commit crimes and then make a quick getaway.